[span8][title_box title=” Eggs Hawaii – Fresh Eggs Every Day Since 1947″ custom_class=”one-third-title”][/span8][/row]

[banner img=”” title=”Hawaiian Maid” text=”For over three generations Hawaiian Maid has been a trusted family favorite. Serve only the best Island Fresh Eggs.” btn_text=”More info” target=”brands/hawaiian-maid” custom_class=”home1″ banner_link=”brands/hawaiian-maid” alt=”Eggs Hawaii Ka Lei Hawaiian Maid”]

[banner img=”” title=”Ka Lei Eggs” text=”Superior freshness, taste and quality. Fuel your family with only the best island fresh eggs.” btn_text=”More info” target=”brands/ka-lei-eggs” custom_class=”home1″ banner_link=”brands/ka-lei-eggs” alt=”Eggs Hawaii Ka Lei Hawaiian Maid”]
“A Message from Our Founding Family”
For seven decades our family has worked hard to provide island fresh eggs to your family every day. We thank you for supporting our local farm and Hawaii agriculture. By choosing Hawaiian Maid and Ka Lei Eggs you help Hawaii stay sustainable and vibrant!
The Shimabukuro Family
Third Generation Egg Farmers
[one_fourth][title_box title=”Our Family History” custom_class=”wrap-title”][banner img=”http://eggshawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/DSCF2768-300×220.jpg” banner_link=”about-us/family-history” text=”Learn about our family history and how we started in 1947.” btn_text=”More info” target=”about-us/family-history” custom_class=”wrap-banner” alt=”Eggs Hawaii Ka Lei Hawaiian Maid”] [/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][title_box title=”Our Local Farm” custom_class=”wrap-title”][banner img=”http://eggshawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/DSCF3967-300×220.jpg” banner_link=”about-us/local-hawaii-egg-farm“ alt=”Eggs Hawaii Ka Lei Hawaiian Maid” width=”300″ height=”220″ class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2433″ banner_link=”about-us/local-hawaii-egg-farm” text=”Learn more about our family farm in Wai’anae on the west coast of Oahu.” btn_text=”More info” target=”about-us/local-farm” custom_class=”wrap-banner”] [/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][title_box title=”‘Egg’straordinary Recipes” custom_class=”wrap-title”][banner img=”http://eggshawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/locoMoco-300×220.png” banner_link=”hawaiian-egg-recipes” text=”Our favorite Hawaiian and family recipes. Plus a few more just for fun!” btn_text=”More info” target=”hawaiian-themed-recipes” custom_class=”wrap-banner” alt=”Eggs Hawaii Ka Lei Hawaiian Maid”] [/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][title_box title=”The Eggs Hawaii Blog” custom_class=”wrap-title”][banner img=”http://eggshawaii.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/DSCF3743-300×220.jpg” banner_link=”Blog” text=”Our blog updates and special news.” alt=”Eggs Hawaii Ka Lei Hawaiian Maid” btn_text=”More info” target=”Blog” custom_class=”wrap-banner”] [/one_fourth]